Imogene Erma Jackson

07/16/1955 — 10/20/2021

The family of Imogene Erma Jackson appreciates all of your support and kind words

My brother Steve, I pray that Jehovah plays His role heavily in the days to come for your family. It has to be no pain bigger than this one right here. Your mother deserves all the respect for ending her role in this system with full integrity to Jah. May we all be like your mom, who we’ll see soon.

Tyler Plaxco

Sending condolences and love from the McDowell family. We look forward to spending extensive time with Erma very soon and having some of that good cooking we just read about! ? Until then we will continue to pray that Jehovah will reside with you and your family as it tells us in Isa 57:15.

Ryan & India McDowell

Dear Jackson Family, I had the pleasure of meeting Erma through Steve and Gloria. Erma and I exchanged texts on the day before she passed and I let her know she was loved. May Jehovah wrap all of you in his loving and comforting arms while we wait to see Erma very soon in a world that is new.

Tara Ali

What a beautiful life story and what a legacy of courage, determination and faith. We hope it will not be long before she walks in fields of flowers in "the New World to Come.

Harold & Marcia Hughes

Steve , Gloria & family, Words can not express how sorry we were to hear of the passing of your ma. Such a devastating loss. May your memories bring all of you some comfort. Always remember Jehovah's promise of seeing her again soon in paradise and that He will comfort, and hold you in his hand until then! All of you are in our earnest prayers and thoughts! All Our Love, Joe & Kim

Joe & Kim Saad

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