Donna  Brown

05/08/1961 — 06/01/2023

The family of Donna  Brown appreciates all of your support and kind words

Mi querido hermano. Lamentamos muchísimo tu gran pérdida. Recordaremos a nuestra querida Donna. Ustedes nos dieron tan excelente ejemplo. Siempre poner a Jehová en 1er lugar. Te queremos mucho. Y anhelamos el día de ver nuevamente a Donna. En la resurrección: Juan 11:23. Donna se levantará.

Aida  Chun

Mi querido hermano. Lamentamos muchísimo tu gran pérdida. Jehová le dará las fuerzas que necesita a usted y la familia con la esperanza de que muy pronto volveremos a ver a Donna. Isaías 64:4 "esperar pacientemente en Jehová, sirviéndole fielmente a él" Te queremos mucho.

Santa  López

Mi querido hermano. Lamentamos muchísimo tu gran pérdida. Jehová le dará las fuerzas que necesita a usted y la familia con la esperanza de que muy pronto volveremos a ver a Donna. Isaías 64:4 "esperar pacientemente en Jehová, sirviéndole fielmente a él" Te queremos mucho.

Santa  López

Donna was not only a true friend but a wonderful mentor. She was honest, loving and full of good advice from a genuine heart. She always wanted the best for each individual. Her focus was always defending Jehovah’s name and making sure He always got the credit for all her privileges and gifts. She encouraged me to love people and work hard to reach the heart. Looking forward to seeing her real soon and sharing some wonderful stories of how much she was loved.

Sally  Canady

Enter your encouraging message mi hermana siempre te recordaré por tu gran amor a Jehová de siempre estar ahí apoyando a tu esposo porque siempre hiciste lo que dice mateo 6:33 siempre poniendo el reino en primer lugar . No veo la hora de en el nuevo mundo darte un abrazo y decirte mira Donna lo logre .

Gisselle  Álvarez

Mi querido hermano, amigo y padre. Lamentamos muchísimo el fallecimiento de Donna. Recordaré siempre su hermosa amistad. Qué bonito es pensar que dicho vínculo de amistad será eterna en el nuevo mundo. Ustedes siempre fueron un gran soporte para mí, ¡Gracias! "Jehová nunca olvida a sus leales, como siempre fue nuestra querida y amiga Donna" Deuteronomio 31:8 Jehová te ama, estará contigo y tu familia ante esta angustiosa situación. Te queremos mucho.

Yelisa  López

We read about loyal women in the Bible who were remembered for outstanding acts of faith. As one of the greatest mentors of all times, we can add Donna to that list. She impacted so many lives! Now we carry the lessons she gave us to help others. Can't wait to see her again. She was a gem!

Candice Stewart

We read about loyal women in the Bible who were remembered for outstanding acts of faith. As one of the greatest mentors of all times, we can add Donna to that list. She impacted so many lives! Now we carry the lessons she gave us to help others. Can't wait to see her again. She was a gem!

Candice Stewart

Donna was such a blessing to have in your presence, always encouraging & down to earth. She will be greatly missed! We’ll look forward to giving her a big welcome hug when we’re reunited in Paradise.

Crystal Lilly

siempre guardo en mi memoria buenos recuerdos de ustedes en Bani. Los queremos mucho y sabemos que Jehova la tiene a Donna en su memoria para seguir recopilando recuerdos.

Jessica  Mendez

Dear Dad! I would love to being there with you, hugging you or holding your hand. I just can imagine how hard is this, but you are not alone in this moment. Our huge family is with you. Mama Donna will return soon, we are expecting that day. Jehovah won't forget her service and all your loyalty as marriage. I love you with all my heart ❤️ She is a fantastic woman, and I say She Is, because for Jehovah she still alive, she is just sleeping. Receive a hug from here and alllll love ???

Pam Vargas

I have som many memories of kind words and hugs from both of you. The only way to get through is with Jehovah. I know he’s holding your hand. Mucho amor, Jennifer

Jennifer Werru

Lamento tanto la pérdida. Deseo que Jehová te de todo lo que necesites para sobrellevar esta pérdida. Con mucho amor tu hija!!

Rina Martinez

Jeff and Donna have had a huge spiritual impact on our lives since the moment we met them. Having them stay with us for a visit changed our goals and the way we saw our future. Being friends with them has helped us to see what it truly means to care sincerely about others. The realest people we know

Matthew + Debra McKinney

Jeff and Donna have had a huge spiritual impact on our lives since the moment we met them. Having them stay with us for a visit changed our goals and the way we saw our future. Being friends with them has helped us to see what it truly means to care sincerely about others. The realest people we know

Matthew + Debra McKinney

Jeff and Donna have had a huge spiritual impact on our lives since the moment we met them. Having them stay with us for a visit changed our goals and the way we saw our future. Being friends with them has helped us to see what it truly means to care sincerely about others. The realest people we know

Matthew + Debra McKinney

Jeff and Donna have had a huge spiritual impact on our lives since the moment we met them. Having them stay with us for a visit changed our goals and the way we saw our future. Being friends with them has helped us to see what it truly means to care sincerely about others. The realest people we know

Matthew + Debra McKinney

Jeff and Donna have had a huge spiritual impact on our lives since the moment we met them. Having them stay with us for a visit changed our goals and the way we saw our future. Being friends with them has helped us to see what it truly means to care sincerely about others. The realest people we know

Matthew + Debra McKinney

Jeff and Donna have had a huge spiritual impact on our lives since the moment we met them. Having them stay with us for a visit changed our goals and the way we saw our future. Being friends with them has helped us to see what it truly means to care sincerely about others. The realest people we know

Matthew + Debra McKinney

I’m so sorry for your loss Jeff! We’ll all miss Donna till we see her again when she wakes up

Marisol  Valenzuela

We love you

La Familia Lewis

We're so sorry for your loss. Especially for you, Jeff, our heart breaks. We rejoice in knowing that Donna is alive in Jehovah's memory and soon we will all be together again. May Jehovah comfort you as only he can.

Jim & Donna McLeod

Queridos amigos, están en nuestras oraciones. Los queremos mucho, anhelamos el día en que le daremos la bienvenida de vuelta a Donna. La abrazaremos, nos reiremos con ella, y le contaremos todo lo que pasó después de que se durmió. Falta muy poco. Un abrazo fuerte de nuestra parte.

Jaser, Raquel & Connor Rustang

Jeff and family we are thinking of you during this time. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. Donna was such an inspiration to those whom she met. It was a privilege to know her. Sending our love and hugs. :-)

Tony and Susan  Lathan

Queridos amigos, están en nuestras oraciones. Los queremos mucho, anhelamos el día en que le daremos la bienvenida de vuelta a Donna. La abrazaremos, nos reiremos con ella, y le contaremos todo lo que pasó después de que se durmió. Falta muy poco. Un abrazo fuerte de nuestra parte.

Jaser, Raquel & Connor Rustang

Dear Jeff….we were happy to attend the beautiful memorial service today and be reminded how amazing Donna was as a faithful servant of Jehovah and as your loving mate. It was faith strengthening to here more about her fine example. Abe delivered a wonderful talk. We love you and hope to see u again

Murraymichelle Schneider

Hey Jeff. We wish we could be there and give you a hug. Muñeca and I learned a lot from both you and Donna. We trust that Jehovah will give you and the family the strength that you all need to endure this difficult moment. We’re here whenever you need us, we love you a bunch.

Noe & Muñeca Garay

Luk. 20:38, Donna is in the safest place, because humans can fail but Jehovah never forgets and will never fail us. Knowing that this pain will not rise again to the heart is the only thing that can relieve the mind and heart. I consider you my parents and that will not change because the love and support you have given me has been burned into my heart. I hope you could forgive me, for everything, but above all for not being in this year that must have been so hard, I could never have imagined this was happening. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Inma Silvestre

Luk. 20:38, Donna is in the safest place, because humans can fail but Jehovah never forgets and will never fail us. Knowing that this pain will not rise again to the heart is the only thing that can relieve the mind and heart. I consider you my parents and that will not change because the love and support you have given me has been burned into my heart. I hope you could forgive me, for everything, but above all for not being in this year that must have been so hard, I could never have imagined this was happening. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Inma Silvestre

Luk. 20:38, Donna is in the safest place, because humans can fail but Jehovah never forgets and will never fail us. Knowing that this pain will not rise again to the heart is the only thing that can relieve the mind and heart. I consider you my parents and that will not change because the love and support you have given me has been burned into my heart. I hope you could forgive me, for everything, but above all for not being in this year that must have been so hard, I could never have imagined this was happening. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Inma Silvestre

Luk. 20:38, Donna is in the safest place, because humans can fail but Jehovah never forgets and will never fail us. Knowing that this pain will not rise again to the heart is the only thing that can relieve the mind and heart. I consider you my parents and that will not change because the love and support you have given me has been burned into my heart. I hope you could forgive me, for everything, but above all for not being in this year that must have been so hard, I could never have imagined this was happening. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Inma Silvestre

I only met Jeff & Donna once: at the 2014 International Convention in Indianapolis. We laughed about people randomly approaching me because of my outfit, even though they were the actual missionaries ? I'm always glad to meet such sincere people and look forward to reconvening every century or so!

Julie Flaugher Burgess

I only met Jeff & Donna once: at the 2014 International Convention in Indianapolis. We laughed about people randomly approaching me because of my outfit, even though they were the actual missionaries ? I'm always glad to meet such sincere people and look forward to reconvening every century or so!

Julie Flaugher Burgess

What a privilege to have met you and Donna when we did. We know we are going to enjoy getting to know you both for the rest of our eternal lives. Meanwhile I know that “the God, who makes the dead alive and calls the things that are not as though they are” will help all of us make it there soon too

Tarrah Carpenter

What a privilege to have met you and Donna when we did. We know we are going to enjoy getting to know you both for the rest of our eternal lives. Meanwhile I know that “the God, who makes the dead alive and calls the things that are not as though they are” will help all of us make it there soon too

Tarrah Carpenter

Love you dearly ???Job 42:2 “Now I know that you are able to do all things And that nothing you have in mind to do is impossible for you”.

Felipe y Raquel  Garcia

Im so grateful for the interest Donna took in me and I hope to imitate her faithful career in the full time ministry. I was always impressed with how even when she was tired she would have us over and we’d cook together and hang out and talk about anything and everything. Unselfish love.

Drew & Natalia Hughes

A beautiful talk for a beautiful and wonderful person. So many things to say about Donna. But what I respect most is her hard graft throughout her life for Jehovah. Never stopping. Never relaxing. Always working. She leaves a model for us all to follow closely.

Matt & Hanna  Power

We cannot imagine what it must feel like to have your world flipping upside down right now, imagining what you miss the most about Donna and all those wonderful memories you made together. We pray Jehovah’s generosity in comforting you. Thank you for helping us to know you both.

Philip and Kristen Gutohrel

Que Jah le continue dando las fuerzas y el aguante necesarios en estos momentos de tristeza. Le tenemos presente en nuestras oraciones. Y anhelamos el dia en terner a Donna de regreso y compartir con ella. Nuestras mas sinceras condolencias.

Familia  Perez

Esperamos en Jehová que le dé fuerzas a toda su familia y permita que pronto podamos verla de nuevo. Fue un gran ejemplo para nosotros y quedamos con esos bellos recuerdos.

Joelvin  Peralta

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